Mustapha Azeroual
In progress
© Mustapha Azeroual, série Radiance #7, Beijing, 2020
Born in Tours in 1979, Mustapha Azeroual is a self-taught photographer of Franco-Moroccan origin, who lives and works between Tours and Marrakech. His work is based on observation and experimentation, confronting the historical techniques of shooting and printing with the contemporary challenges of photography. Questioning tools, processes and media, the artist focuses above all on the viewer’s point of view.

His analysis of the photographic medium is based on four main areas of study: the study of light, the question of motif, and the study of the recording and reproduction of colour. Around Mougins, Mustapha Azeroual will be continuing his ‘Radiance’ series, in which he records variations in colour during sunrise and sunset. By creating a digital artefact based on the photographic composition of the landscape (proportions and colours), the aim is to generate a universal landscape reduced to its simplest composition: a horizon line delimiting the sky and the earth. Issues of perception and the invisible will also be at the heart of his research, through experiments with smell and sound.
Visit his website