The medium of photography is a meeting ground, a passageway, connecting artists, exhibitions and various audiences. To accompany its exhibition program, the Center is seeking to offer a range of events and activities (guided tours, conferences, encounters with artists, screenings of films and moving images), and provide opportunities for amateur and artistic practices. In a society undergoing deep transformation, the Center of Photography wishes to offer a space for expression and reflection.
The Center offers free admission to those under 18.
Arts & Cultural Education (ACE) allows young people privileged access to works and various cultural actors, as part of school curricula or extracurricular activities. ACE helps develop knowledge about the arts, fosters and strengthens artistic skills and practices. All of these activities contribute to learning and empowerment through the development of sensibilities, critical thinking and creativity.
Throughout the year, and during exhibition times, various actions are offered for school classes and recreation centers. The proposals adapt to all levels and are divided into different actions: visit, visit followed by a workshop, and medium-term project, developed over a few sessions.
The Center of Photography welcomes you on-site, in the exhibition and mediation spaces, or comes to your schools and establishments for specific off-site activities.
Our visits, like our workshops, can be adapted to the demand.
Contact us to work out a suitable programme together.
To book,
contact Sinem Bostanci
in charge of public and mediation
or by phone. +33 (0)4 22 21 52 14
During each exhibition, different events (screenings, conferences, encounters with artists, workshops, storytelling visits) are offered. You can subscribe to our newsletter to keep you informed.

Tania l’Amexica
Young Tania lives in a remote village. One day, she receives an intriguing postcard from the USA. Her mother promises her that she will visit California one day. Together, they embark on a journey, that will sorely test their courage.
Discover this adventure during a storytelling, lively and playful visit ! Explore the exhibition “Amexica: Marie Baronnet” with a cultural mediator from the Centre.
Storytelling visits on Sundays April 2nd, May 7th and June 4th, at 4pm. From 3 years old

Dorian Teti
Dorian Teti lives and works between Paris and Vallauris. With a Bachelor’s degree in Art History, and a specialization in photography from ENS Louis-Lumière (2011), his work revolves around the staging of intimate, collective, and individual memories, peeling back the layers of the deceptive power images, facades, and replicas. Through his use of staging, self-portraiture, reappropriation, and juxtapositions of images and texts, he creates a universe filled with objects, illusions, simulacra, and doubles. The image, exploited as fictitious documentation, which he systematically retouches, has been combined with plastic work in volume for several years, in constant back-and-forth between the space of reality and that of the image.
The Project
July 25th – August 12th, 2022
Target Audience: “Les Cigales” Summer Camp, Beausoleil (4-11 years old)
Activity Duration: 45 hours
Over the course of a three-weeks artistic mediation, Dorian Teti delved into the world of object reproduction, using objects directly collected from the camp. The reproduction of objects was approached through various creative processes such as plaster caster, clay imprints, photogrammetry to obtain 3D reproductions, and application of textures generated by software. In a constant interplay between the realms of reality, the two-dimensional images, and three-dimensional objects, the aim is to examine how objects transform each time they are reproduced, seemingly similar, yet never truly identical.
For more information on the initiave “Rouvrir le monde – Un été culturel 2022 »:

Grégoire d’Ablon
Grégoire d’Ablon lives and works in Arles. With a background in agricultural engineering, and a graduation from National School of Photography (Arles) in 2019, his artistic endeavors led to research on eugenics and projects that challenge landscape categorizations and territorial developments. Through projects like “Sites remarquables à enjeux multiples” and “Tour à tour”, Grégoire d’Ablon showcases his keen interest, and even necessity, to comprehend and manipulate selection processes. He also challenges traditional notions of artistic production with works like “Certificat de non-productivité” and “Je ne fais plus d’image.”
The Project
October 3rd – 14th, 2022
Target audience: École Saint Martin, Mougins (CM2 and CE2)
Duration of the activity: 12 hours
During a two-week residency in Mougins, I conducted seven workshops with two groups of 16 students during after-school hours between 12pm and 2pm. The aim of these workshops was to rediscover a familiar and common space, the school playground, through the creation of diverse and evocative images. With each student contributing their unique production, the workshop culminated in a composite image, crafted through collage, incorporating all the individual creations. Thus, manipulating various elements that define the essence of photography, such as sampling, moment, framing, and editing, the students created their own vision of the playground, without making a photograph in the literal sense.
For more information on the initiave “Rouvrir le monde – Un été culturel 2022 »: